Vol.67 Global Creative Strategy issue

This issue marks the first time +81 has made an issue focusing on the global creative strategies of brands. Based on the strategies, how they visualize the brand identity and reach their goal. Through this issue, readers will likely find this issue to be a “compendium of creative brand strategies” that is full of visually entertaining content.


The main feature of the issue is an exploration of the significance of creativity for those running brands and how they view it in terms of their business strategies, so we select the seven, product, hotel, fashion, and other types of brands of all origins and sizes that have proven popular worldwide. We asked their key creative leaders how these brands have been able to expand globally so quickly, as well as why they continue to remain at the forefront of their respective fields. Internationalization is a common need in every field today, so we shed light on innovative global tactics. In the second part of the feature we introduce 4 international design studios that are equipped with such distinctive initiative in the visual identity, fashion image, space design, etc. We close in on their secrets of how to transform brand’ s visions into visuals.


The cover “Building” themed-visuals designed by Stockholm Design Lab express the construction and development of creative strategies by using +81 logo.






表紙には、“Building”をテーマに、+81のロゴを用いてクリエイティヴ戦略の構築や発展を表現した、Stockholm Design Labによるアートワークを採用。


Creative Strategy of the Global Brands

Naoto Fukasawa

Ace Hotel







Design Studios: Create Visualization from Vision

Stockholm Design Lab


petronio associates


+81 Vol.67 Global Creative Strategy issue

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