Vol.85 The Olympics - Creative Highlights from 1964 to 2020 issue

開催延期となったTOKYO 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Gamesだが、今号ではオリンピックのクリエイティヴ面にフォーカスを当て特集する。元来、近代オリンピックはスポーツと芸術の祭典という趣旨で開催されている。その意味で、もうひとつのオリンピック・クリエイティヴ史を時代と共に探求する。

巻頭では、東京2020 年大会のエムブレム、スタジアム、ピクトグラムをピックアップ。続いて、東京1964大会の丹下健三の国立代々木競技場、亀倉雄策のグラフィックから、2016 年のリオ・オリンピックまで、各大会のクリエイティヴ・ハイライトを集約。伝説の1968 年メキシコ大会、1972年のミュンヘン大会のエム ブレム・デザイナー、2008 年北京大会の通称「鳥の巣」スタジアムの建築家などを含めた総勢21名のオリンピックを彩ったクリエイターへの単独インタビューと当時の貴重な写真、作品を掲載する。



While Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics have been postponed, this issue will nonetheless focus on the creative elements of the Games. The modern Olympics were originally meant to be a celebration of both sports and art, and it is with this intent that we explore this other, creative history of the Games throughout the years.

The issue kicks off with a look at the emblems, stadiums, and pictograms of the 2020 Olympics. Next up are interviews and visuals highlighting the artistic vision of each installment of the Olympics starting with Kenzo Tange’s The Yoyogi 1st Gymnasium and Yusaku Kamekura’s graphics for the Tokyo 1964 Games all the way up through the 2016 Olympics in Rio. The feature includes archives photos and images along with solo interviews from 21 different designers and architects whose ingenuity graced the Olympics, with notable examples being the legendary creator of the emblems for the 1968 Games in Mexico and the’72 Games in Munich, as well as the mind behind the “bird’s nest” built for the’08 Beijing Games.

We also have a photogravure special feature looking back over timeless, unforgettable shots of the athletes from these same tournaments like the barefoot champion Abebe Bikila, gymnast Nadia Comaneci, and Usain Bolt.

This is one issue that will stand the test of time as a valuable historical reference.

Tokyo 2020-21 Olympic Games

Tokyo 2020 / Asao Tokolo

Tokyo 2020 / Kengo Kuma

Tokyo 2020 / Masaaki Hiromura

Tokyo 2020 / Kota Iguchi

Tokyo 2020 / Paul Noritaka Tange

Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games

Tokyo 1964 / Kenzo Tange

Tokyo 1964 / Yusaku Kamekura

Tokyo 1964 / Kazumasa Nagai

Memorable Athletes

1968-1972 Olympic Games

Mexico 1968 / Lance Wyman and Eduardo Terrazas

Munich 1972 / Coordt von Mannstein

Munich 1972 / Mark Holt

Nike Track Spikes Innovation Archive 1966-2020

1968-1972 Olympic Games

Los Angeles 1984 / Deborah Sussman

Barcelona 1992 / Arata Isozaki

Atlanta 1996 / Michael Collins

Atlanta 1996 / Primo Angeli

Sydney 2000 / Paul Henry (POPULOUS)

Athnes 2004 / Rodanthi Senduka (Red Design Consultants)

Bejin 2008 / Stefan Marbach (Herzog & de Meuron)

London 2012 / Shaun Gallagher (POPULOUS)

Rio 2016 / Fred Gelli (the Tátil)

+81 Vol.85 The Olympics - Creative Highlights from 1964 to 2020 issue

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